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Gardening workshop

Gardening Workshop

Presenters from local nursery Trillion Trees presented to a group of Bushmead residents walking them through how to create gardens which are waterwise, habitat creating, cooling and appropriate for local climate and soil.

The workshop covered understanding local climate and soil, plant selection, front and back garden design, how to plant, watering, mulching, fertilising and much more! It included a presentation, walk, Q&A and morning tea.

One particular highlight was residents being able to share and discuss why they bought in Bushmead, and particularly the significance of the environmental and conservation focus for them and what that means for their life in Bushmead.

Was great to see our Bushmead residents come together and get educated on nature-wise gardening. Each attendee received a free seedling thanks to Trillion Trees and City of Swan. 

Thanks to everyone who attended and participated.

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