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New nature play trail available

220704 BUSH Blog - Nature Play WA App Launch Event

To celebrate Bushmead’s recent 500,000th tree milestone, Nature Play WA has partnered with Cedar Woods to develop a new Nature Animal Detective Trail around Archerfield Park.

This trail is a great exclusive addition to the Bushmead community and will only be live until November this year. Get the kids down to Archerfield Park these School Holidays as they become detectives and unlock exciting new challenges!

All you need to do to get started is download the Nature Play app, enter the password ANIMAL and start investigating!

House and land packages

House and land packages

If you're thinking about buying a house and land package you’re likely to have a few questions. We’ve created this handy guide to walk you through the entire process of buying a house and land package in a Cedar Woods community.

Get the guide here

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