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Resident Clean Up Day

Resident Clean Up Day

To celebrate Clean Up Australia Day on Saturday 9th March 2019, half a dozen residents, and a number of their little helpers including a 2 year old, and two young teenage boys (one who actually turned 13 on the day!) came together to do their bit for the environment.  

Although it drizzled all morning everyone enjoyed themselves and a heap of rubbish was collected - 30 bags in total that Clean Up Australia provided which are about the size of a large garbage bag.  

Common items collected included:

  • Takeaway food and drink containers
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Construction rubbish
  • Car tyres (and one car battery)  

Cathy Levett from the East Metropolitan Regional Council came down for the clean up, and guided us through a waste audit for a portion of the rubbish collected. It was great to see the shared passion for cleaning up the natural bushland that surrounds Bushmead and we look forward to more events in the future!

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