Bushmead is one of the exclusive communities in WA to have been awarded UDIA’s 5-Leaf EnviroDevelopment Accreditation. The benefits of this include:
When you build a new home at Bushmead, you can also take your eco living to a new level. Every home comes complete with a brand-new rainwater tank up to 3,000L, provided by Cedar Woods at no charge to you.
The Bushmead Conservation Cobbers are a local community group dedicated to caring to the flora and fauna of our Bushmead community. The Bushmead Conservation Cobbers host regular clean-ups and planting days, including a popular event at Clean Up Australia Day each March.
If you’re interested in joining the Bushmead Conservation Cobbers and meeting some new friends in the Bushmead community, make sure to check out their Facebook page.
As an endorsed Waterwise Development, Bushmead takes waterwise landscaping seriously. When buying or building a home at Bushmead, you will receive advice about waterwise landscaping and choosing native plant species that are designed to withstand our hot WA summers.
This waterwise landscaping also extends to our various parks, playgrounds and green spaces dotted throughout Bushmead, including retaining mature trees in the design wherever possible.
The vision for Bushmead is to create a truly sustainable community that minimises its environmental footprint and ensures the many natural features, benefits and attractions of the local community can be enjoyed for generations to come.
Part of this vision has been shaping Bushmead’s masterplan around 185ha of retained natural bushland, which makes up over two thirds of the local community. This bushland is an important habitat for a huge range of native animal and bird species.
Together with its many eco living benefits, Bushmead helps to foster healthy, active lifestyles within the community. Here, you’ll enjoy many opportunities to step outside and get closer to nature, with a wide range of local parks, playgrounds and walking trails to explore.
Our parks and playgrounds page has more information about what you can expect at each location.
Are you ready to find out more about sustainable living at Bushmead? Our friendly team is ready to answer any questions you may have. Get in touch today to start your journey!