News and Blogs | Ellendale

It's easy being green at Ellendale

Written by Cedar Woods | 23 November 2020

Did you know more than 32,500 trees have been planted throughout Ellendale's nature corridors, with almost 60 hectares of green space dedicated to Brisbane City Council since the start of development in 2016?

The team at 28 South Environmental have been hard at work creating environmental management plans to keep our community looking lush.

Company director Wayne Moffitt says the replanting program, undertaken by Evolve Environmental Solutions, has not only rejuvenated, but also enhanced, the natural ecological function of the locality.

"Ellendale was well planned from the outset, with 40 per cent of the site retained as green space, preserving areas with the highest ecological value," he said.

"An independent environmental report by Aurecon found that work to restore habitat linkages, wildlife corridors and create adequate ecological buffers was deemed an enhancement of the original site and would provide protection to surrounding areas.

"Ellendale is an ideal canvas to work from, with its topography and climate supportive of a range of native plants, including Fig, Blue Gum, Iron Bark, Bloodwoods and Stringybarks."

Each year Cedar Woods is adding thousands of extra plants into the corridors as well as nesting boxes, gliders poles and fauna fences and underpasses creating additional habitat and fauna movement pathways.