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03 June 2024

Cedar Woods has announced the Victorian recipients of its Community Grants program for 2024, with funding allocated directly benefiting local communities where Cedar Woods’ developments are located.We’re pleased to announce that four Whittlesea organisations have been selected as 2024 recipients - Edgars Creek Primary School, Wollert Fire Brigade, Wollert Primary School and Whittlesea Agricultural Society (pictured above).
Edgars Creek Primary School will use their grant to support their Dojo Shop, which is part of their Positive Behaviour reward system. The Dojo Shop allows children to redeem their dojo points, earned for displaying positive community values and expected behaviours, for tangible items.
Wollert Fire Brigade will use their grant to purchase a caged trailer and create a secure storage area. This will help them safely transport their BBQs and community engagement equipment to events in Wollert, Donnybrook, or Woodstock. They will also purchase gas detection equipment to safely manage emergency responses like gas leaks.
Recently opened in 2022, Wollert Primary School will use their funding to establish a vegetable garden and edible garden to support our student Dig 2 Dine program where students harvest, prepare and cook recipes using the food grown at school.
The Whittlesea Agricultural Society is considered one of the oldest and continuous Agricultural Societies in Victoria. The Society is responsible for the Whittlesea Show, a two day weekend event that brings agriculture, farming and rural knowledge to the wider public.
We recently sat down with Wollert Primary School Assistant Principal, Rebecca Richards (pictured below) and Vice President of Whittlesea Agricultural Society, Jayson Munro to learn a bit more about their organisations and how they plan to use their funding.
What is the mission and purpose of your organisation?
WPS We are a brand new local Government Primary School that opened in 2022 to cater to the growing population of Wollert.
WAS The purposes of the Society are to promote the development and advancement of all aspects of agriculture and industrial pursuits particularly within Whittlesea and its surrounding areas and as such to hold annual exhibitions and to conduct such other activities and services as may from time to time be deemed necessary for the achievement of those objectives.
This year we will hold the Whittlesea Show on November 2nd and 3rd, with the theme ‘Future farming’, to show people some of the new and advanced directions farming is heading.
How did you hear about the Community Grants program and why did you decide to apply?
WPS Being new to the Wollert community, we were contacted last year about your Community Grant Program. We were successful in gaining a Grant last year so thought we would apply again to support one of our new school programs.
WAS We received an email from Mason Quarter introducing us to the program which was perfectly timed, as we had just discovered our Oak Stage was in disrepair and needed quite a bit of work in order to be ready for the 2024 Show.
How will you be using your funding and how will this help to support your organisation?
WPS As a new school our funding is quite limited so this Grant will assist us greatly by going towards building new garden beds to support our new Dig 2 Dine program. Our aim is to grow our own food to use in our kitchen where students will work with staff to cook delicious healthy food and also learn about sustainability and the science of growing vegetables.
WAS The funding will contribute to a complete removal and rebuild of the Oak Stage, a part of the show where many performers have been showcased over the years. It is greatly appreciated by all here at WAS.