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26 April 2022

Mason Quarter has been designed with a growing community in mind, so it was great to see future members of this community come together at our Meet Your Neighbours Easter Event on Sunday 10th April 2022.
Our guests had a wonderful afternoon at our sales office, where they got to see first-hand what life will be like at Mason Quarter and hear some updates on the project's development. Our Sales Consultant Shane gave an update on sales, while our Development Manager James took our guests through what to expect in the next stages of construction.
There were plenty of refreshments on offer, our future residents made sure to enjoy the barista-made coffee over some lively conversations with their future neighbours, and the whole family tucked into the fresh hot cross buns.
The standout event of the day was, of course, the Easter egg hunt! The kids searched high and low and everyone left with lots of Easter goodies to enjoy, even if some of the hiding places were very tricky!