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10 February 2023

We are delighted to welcome our newest sales consultant, Liliana Fierro Martinez to the Mason Quarter team!
We sat down with Liliana this week to find out what her role as a sales consultant involves and learn a little bit about what she likes to do in her time off.
Welcome to the Mason Quarter team Liliana! To start with, could you describe yourself in three words?
Resilient, trustworthy, and passionate.
Could you describe what your role as a sales consultant involves?
As a sales consultant, I work with prospective buyers to help them find their dream home.
Purchasing a home is such a big decision, so I spend a lot of my time getting to know my clients and finding out what they’re looking for so we can find a perfect solution for their current situation and future goals.
What are you most looking forward to in your role as sales consultant?
I’m really looking forward to seeing Mason Quarter grow and develop into a lively, vibrant, and close-knit community.
It’s an honour to play a small role in this process, and it’s always incredibly rewarding to hear from my clients after they’ve settled in to their new home and learn all about their plans for the future.
What is something that has surprised you about your work?
I’m always surprised by how many of my clients become friends!
We spend so much time together and often discover how much we have in common, which makes it that much more rewarding when they secure their new home – especially when they are First Home Buyers!
How do you like to wind down in your off hours?
When I’m off the clock I spend as much quality time as possible with my family and friends. My daughter loves going to movies, so we’ve made that our tradition, and I’m always challenging my friends with weird and wonderful new cuisine and restaurants.
When I have the time, I like to go on short trips around Victoria for a change of scenery; I always come back feeling so refreshed and rejuvenated after engaging with our beautiful natural landscape.
What is something that you want to do in 2023 that you’ve never done before?
I would love to learn to dance Flamenco! I would also love to go to Europe, so if anyone has any recommendations or tips, please feel free to share them!
If you’re in the market for a new home, contact Liliana at 0490 293 342 / liliana.fierro-martinez@cedarwoods.com.au or enquire now via our website to discover what Mason Quarter has to offer, with a range of land, house and land, and townhomes currently selling.