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Bushmead 2022 Community Grants

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Cedar Woods
believes in creating strong foundations, enriching people's lives, creating connections, and fostering community spirit for the benefit of all our residents in the Bushmead community.

That's why Cedar Woods provides Bushmead with Community Grants - a program that recognises and appreciates organisations and initiatives that contribute to our community and actively supports them by providing funding to make an even bigger impact. 

We are excited to announce this years Bushmead Community Grants Recipients: 

Bushmead Conservation Cobbers 

The Bushmead Conservation Cobbers is a resident-led group who are passionate about environmental conservation. 

The funding has been awarded for a series of nature-based community events and regular bush care-related activities. Such activities include clean-up days, weeding and planting days and wilderness walks throughout the bushland in Bushmead. 

Any questions, contact Fiona via the Bushmead Conservation Cobbers Facebook Page  @BushmeadConservation 


Studio 88 Pilates in the Park 

Join Studio 88 and your Bushmead neighbours every Saturday morning from 9am at Giants Park for a 45-minute guided session with Bushmead resident Kym. 

Contact Kym on 0412 090 090 for further information. 


Kalamunda Lapidary Club 

Since the Club's inception in 1966, it has provided a safe, friendly, professional and educational environment where visitors and members can learn the necessary skills of lapidary, silversmithing, jewellery making and other associated crafts. These skills enable community members to turn raw stone into beautiful pieces of art and jewellery. 
The club have been awarded funding to purchase a new faceting machine, paint the club trailer and install new carpets in the meeting rooms. 

To get involved with the club or find out more, check out the Facebook @KalamundaLapidaryClub. 

What else is happening in the Bushmead Community? Download Community Flyer.

Investors Pack

Investors Pack

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